Sunday, May 10, 2009

2 kL WE g0...

That day was 20th of april.....

yg senyum 2 amad ....yg lagi sorg 2 ipin.....

ni kiteorg tngah on the way ke kl....(cuti2 malaysia la kononnye)

nthen smpi sne kol dlm kol 3 ptg la g 2...

pastu 2 ron kat terminal 2...

wak2 dlm bus 2 ade lar akak sorg ni (knl2 g2 jew)

ipin aar start tego die dulu....(pasal seat kot)

i tell u that kakak is taking her master.....pandai tol akak nih.....

kiteorg took a train ride dari seremban ke kajang.....


telajak smpai ke nilai.....coz amad x sabo nk jumpe honey
y  die...

n than kiteorg sume stayed kat umah my aunt.....

we stayed about 1 week....


today is 10th of may....its 12.58am


  1. ngek cte lme bru nk updated per??
    haha ko nie toyibbb
    weh ad mem ak msk ypj gk
    kulnileri tuh

  2. uits censered uwh gmbr bwh uwh..adoi korg ni.
